RGUHS Nat. J. Pub. Heal. Sci Vol No: 16 Issue No: 4 pISSN:
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Every brilliant experiment, like every great work of art, starts with an act of imagination.”
- Jonah Lehrer
With the exponential progression of science and technology globally, robotics has emerged as a prominent study area. Robotics application is not limited to one but several domains such as aircraft, medicine, electronics, and machinery. The use of robotics in healthcare has consistently been a headliner. For instance, Bio-robots are medical robots that share the perception, thinking, and judgment abilities remarkably close to that of humans.
The effective use of robotics in medicine has also sparked interest in robotics research in dentistry, which has introduced established paradigm transformative modes for oral diagnosis and opened up new possibilities for technological advancement. Robotic dentistry is a more precise and sophisticated simulation of the otherwise complex human motor coordination.
The usual manner of operation and atmosphere within the area of dentistry will undergo a transition as robotic technology becomes more widely incorporated. The increasing use of robots in dentistry research, treatment, and education can lead to new developments in the field that will provide more precise, effective, and easily accessible dental services and a more welcoming clinical environment for patients and dentists.
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