RGUHS Nat. J. Pub. Heal. Sci Vol No: 16 Issue No: 4 pISSN:
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Happy New Year and Season’s greetings!
It’s indeed my privilege and an honour to be bestowed with the position of Editor in Chief for the prestigious RGUHS Journal of Dental Sciences.
It’s definitely a herculean task considering the success and reputation of this journal and also the amount of hard work put in by my predecessors. I thank the entire team for their utmost professionalism in making this journal so sought after.
I take this opportunity to thank our honorable Vice Chancellor Dr. S Sacchidananda, Dr. B.J. Mahendra, Director, Prasaranga and Dr. Dinesh M.R., Dean, Faculty of Dental Sciences for having faith in me and my team and entrusting us with such huge responsibility.
I hope we meet upto their expectations. There is a huge responsibility ahead and it’s a team work! So, I sincerely request all my editorial team, reviewers to join me in taking this journal to greater heights.
I also request all my professional colleagues to contribute towards this journey by submitting their manuscripts for publication in this journal.
I guarantee you that the process will be transparent, fair with main motive of dissipation of knowledge through the quality work.
Dr. Suchetha A
Editor In Chief
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