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Case Report

Dr Bharathi1 , Dr Hema K2 , Dr Betsy Thomas3 , Dr Manjunath S G4 , Dr Ranjith5 , Dr Vinutha6

1: Assistant Professor, Department of Periodontology, Subbaiah Institute of Dental Sciences, Shivamoga Karnataka, India. 2: Reader, Department of Prosthodontics, KAHERs KLE Institute of dental Sciences, Belgaum Karnataka. 3: Professor and HOD, Department of Periodontology, MAHSA University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 4: Professor and HOD, Department of Periodontology, Subbaiah Institute of Dental Sciences, Shivamoga, Karnataka, India. 5: Reader, Department of Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge, KMCT Dental College, Manassery, Calicut Kerala 6: Assistant professor, Department of Prosthodontics, College of dentistry, Majmaah University, Saudi Arabia.

Address for correspondence:

Dr Bharathi

Assistant Professor Department of Periodontology Subbaiah Institute of Dental Sciences Shivamoga, Karnataka, India.

Year: 2020, Volume: 12, Issue: 2, Page no. 50-52, DOI: 10.26715/rjds.12_2_11
Views: 2086, Downloads: 51
Licensing Information:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0.

Interdisciplinary research involves combination of different fields to carry out a particular research Dentistry being a field comprising of various specialitiesa interdisciplinary treatment approach will improve the treatment plan .In this article we have briefly discussed on the various aspects of interdisciplinary research and the need for same.

<p>Interdisciplinary research involves combination of different fields to carry out a particular research Dentistry being a field comprising of various specialitiesa interdisciplinary treatment approach will improve the treatment plan .In this article we have briefly discussed on the various aspects of interdisciplinary research and the need for same.</p>
Effective dentistry requires Interdisciplinary clinical research
  • 1


“United we stand ,Divided we fall” Aesop.

Dentistry is a diverse field compromising of different branches. Every treatment plan of every patient requires an interdisciplinary approach. Interdisciplinary clinical research increases the effectiveness and efficiency of the dentist and also improve the treatment delivery standard.

The literature reviews also indicate that there are few Medical journalarticles that point to the need for inter disciplinary training or cross education involving Dental professionals. There is a urgent need for not only interdisciplinary research but also the development of interdisciplinary training models to enhance the ability of health professionals to treat the ever growing population.1

Interdisciplinary clinical research

Interdisciplinary collaborative research is required for development of oral health research. Interdisciplinarydentistry (ID) has been described asthemutualpermeationofvariousspecialities accompanied by expansion of the scope of each andby no means a new concept in research, training or application.2,3 As such a widely applicable definition does not exist.4 Interdisciplinary Dentistry comprise of certain concepts and methods that go beyond the limits of individual specialities.5 It can also be interpreted as actual fusion of specialities or a multi disciplinary phenomenon in which independent specialities work jointly to resolve a problem.5

At the university level,two different models characterize the organization of research units6 :

• The distributed model, where in individual researchers are assigned through the units of schools(in variousdepartments).

• The localized model in which the researchers are assigned to one unit ordepartment. In the field of Medicine and Dentistry ,the demand for the interdisciplinary research has been increasing and so has been the establishment of advanced training and training courses. Also for a effective translational research there is a need for partnerships among universities, industry and government agencies. Multidisciplinary, interinstitutional collaborative investigations are generally supported by the funding agencies.

Aims of interdisciplinary dental research3 :

• Developing interdisciplinary links and increasing the researchopportunities

• Problemsolving

• Improving the diagnosis and treatmentmodalities

• Better treatment options to thepatients. Interdisciplinary research approach will allow for development of concepts pertaining to the diagnosis and treatment planning and allow delivery of better therapy to the patients. Nowadays the complex treatment models call for more extensive interdisciplinary knowledge and the establishment of facilities that fulfil this requirement. Even the patients coming in treatment are better informed regarding the diverse treatment methodsandthetreatmentexpectationsarehigher, which in turn are increasing the training demand so that the dentists are prepared to meet these demands.

Dental education plays a important role in development of research which is education based and help in delivering better treatment delivery to the patients. At the same time cooperation among researchers in basic science, demography and social science is required to effectively reduce oral health disparities. There is also a need for interdisciplinary training and collaboration among medicine , dentistry and other health professionals.

In a literature search of interdisciplinary teams and dental terms since 1990 only 4 dealt with educational models. Of the articles that did describe collaborative training models most involved medicine and social work, allied health, nursing and social work, alliedhealth, nursing, pharmacy, nutrition, chiropractic, occupational therapy, or other healthprofessions.1

Future directions in Interdisciplinary research

A need exists for motivated, visionary leaders who think collaboratively in the direction of interdisciplinary research. Such leaders should be able to guide the budding dentist’s in the interdisciplinary research an comprehensive dentistry. Along with such leaders, a need also exist for interdisciplinary leadership training programs and health professionals education to develop the talented individuals who have the passion and skill necessary for such leadership and are able to guide to future generations in same . Demonstration programs should also be developed that are interdisciplinary in nature and universally recognised and supported. These demonstration programs or projects should include both medical and dental field. Both the Medical and Dental Education must develop a core curriculum that all students could share with Interdisciplinary experiences beginning with first day of class.

According to a study conducted by Slavicek et al, the authors reported the following drawbacks do exist with respect to interdisciplinary research like the below3 :

• Unclearcommunication.

• Conflicts within the team.

• Difficult timing and scheduling of inter disciplinary research teams and also increase inthe cost.

• A imbalance between the workload and resources canoccur.

• Modification of own conceptual framework. In a article titled “ Patient record and communication in interdisciplinary dentistry” the authors have discussed the importance of communication as a key ingredient with respect to Interdisciplinary research. The authors have mentioned that a proper dialogue form of communication should exist not only within a dental team but also with the patient and the technician, so as to develop a comprehensive treatment plan which benefits all involved. Thus if there is a interactive communication, the patient will gain confidence in the dental team and the proposed procedure.7

Even though certain said drawbacks there are certain Clinical relevance to the inter disciplinary research or dentistry. Inter disciplinary Research increases the ability of a dentist to work in a team and also provide the patients with wider treatment options and modalities.Italsoprovidesameans of improving the profession aswell.3


In dentistry there isa constant need for a interdisciplinary collaboration which leads to comprehensive Dental practice. Interdisciplinary Clinical research should be emphasized at all levels so as to empower and enrich dentistry as a profession and to deliver better treatment modalities. 

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  1. Pyle M and Stoller E. Oral health Disparities Among the Elderly: Interdisciplinary challenges for the future. Journal of DentalEducation;67(12):1327-1336.
  2. Kotter R , Balsiger PW. Interdiscplinarity and transdisciplinarity: A constant challenge to the Sciences. Issues Integrative Studies1999;17:87-120.
  3. Slavicek G, Makarevich A, MakarevichI, Bulatova K. Concepts,aims, and drawbacks in interdisciplinarydentistry:Resultsofaninte rnationalquestionnaire.JInterdiscipDentistry 2013;3:91-102.
  4. Graham J and Wealthall Interdisciplinary education for the health professions: taking the risk for community gain. Focus on Health Professional Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal1999;1:49-69.
  5. Holland P and Johansen LN. Thinking across disciplines – Interdisciplinarity in research and education. DEA/FBECopenhagen.2008.
  6. Genco R. Building Partnerships and Interdisciplinary collaborations in oral health Research.American Association of DentalSchools:1-4.
  7. Sawhney S, Kundabala M, Shetty N and Thomas M. Patient record and communicationin interdisciplinary dentistry.J Interdiscip Dentistry2014;4:62-5.
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